SSPC 135 at the 2008 Committee Meeting in New York City

Our highly intelligent BACnet committee met in New York City. The discussion centered around Interpretation Requests, Public Review Addendum responses, and revised Public Review Addendum. The Lighting Output object, part of SSPC 135-2004 Addendum i, was approved for its second Public Review.

SSPC_135_Dinner.jpgColeman and Bob amid the jumble of wiresAndre presents to Steve Bushby

Many working groups also met on Thursday, Friday, and Sunday. The Lighting Applications working group met on Sunday morning, and we worked on the Color Output object. The Wireless Networking working group met and discussed ways to reduce broadcast packets. The Objects and Services working group met and reviewed addendum comments.

Lighting Applications working groupWireless Networking working groupObjects and Services working group

After the Sunday working group meetings, I attended mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral. It was an awesome church and included a magnificent pipe organ and a number of alcoves.

St Patrick's CathedralAlcove at St. Patrick's CathedralAlcove at St. Patrick's Cathedral

It was my first visit to New York City. I took a ferry to see the Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World, the full name for the Statue of Liberty. I took a lot of photos, and also sent a photo from my cell phone to my family.

LibertyEnlighteningTheWorldA view of Liberty Enlightening The World from the ferryStatue Of Liberty as viewed from between some trees

I also toured Ellis Island. It was very touching as I toured the building, rooms, and steps where many families walked through to live in America between 1892 and 1924. A set of steps leading down from the Registration Hall was divided into 3, and was dubbed the “Stairs of Separation.” The steps marked the parting of the way for many family and friends with different destinations. The middle steps led to the islands hospital or detention rooms, while the outer steps were destinations of New York or New Jersey by way of ferry.

StairsOfSeparationThe Great Hall or Registry RoomA View of New York City from a window in the Registry Room